Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I hate the British...

The apocalypse is upon us! (although I am sure they will sell well in America. God this country is lazy...and that is coming from me).

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stupidity strikes again

As I was pulling into the Sam's Club parking lot today (and yes it was for work), I received a call from the store. The manager on duty was asking if I had done anything with the tip money before I had left. There had been at least $3 in singles plus some change in it for the employees to split. I had not done anything so I told them I would watch the video camera playback when I got back to the store.

After about 2 minutes of watching the camera, I see it: a fat woman stealing $3 out of our tip jar. Who steals $3 anyway/

The best part of the whole ordeal? She then proceeds to ask for an application. Classic. I look forward to her turning in her application. I just hope she turns it into me.

Gotta love those car companies...

In a shocking revelation I actually found something worthwhile on I can't believe it myself. I am sure everyone by now has seen the ads on TV where you can buy a Chrysler car and get a locked-in gas price of $2.99/gallon for 3 years. While, everything is not quite what it seems with that deal.

I can't really blame them; I am all for capitalism. But this just reminds to me to be skeptical of any 'deal' I hear about on television.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Obama at it again...

I can't honestly believe that Barack Obama is going to be the next president of the United States. Lord, help us all. In a classic dirty political backtrack, Obama has rescinded his pledge to use public funding in the election. All of his messages about change and hope don't seem to apply to him. He seems to feel he sets the ground rules for this election; whether its with his wife, his past, or his 'feelings' toward the country about to elect him. I have my problems with McCain, but he has stayed true to his word so far and will apparently use the public funds. This of course puts him at a great disadvantage in terms of spending.

"We have to reject the candidates who use gutter politics to get elected, and we have to favor the ones who put principles over party and political games.

We the people still have the ultimate voice in this country, and we can change our course by empowering those who not only stand for the truth but will fight for it.

When politicians are forced to care about every voter, when they are constantly reminded that they serve at the will of the people, when we start to reconnect with our values, politicians will be forced to reconnect with us."
Glenn Beck, An Inconvenient Book

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Glenn Beck: Recommended Reading

Purchased Glenn Beck's An Inconvenient Book last night, and so far it has been well worth it. The first chapter tears down the farce that is 'Global Warming' (I will now always use quotations when referencing it) and the third chapter tackles the problem arising from Radical Islam. What has transpired in Europe is mind-boggling and makes me worry for our future if this era of 'political correctness' continues down its current path.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Eating Habit

As most anyone who knows me is aware, I have quite possibly the strangest eating habits known to mankind. The last few months, however, I have shocked many by adding new items to my diet. First, I added ranch dressing. May not seem like much, but for me, trying any new food is a challenge. It also provided the gateway into the next item: boneless wings - namely Asian Zing boneless from BW3. I tried TGI Fridays' boneless and I did not like those at all. I actually even tried actual drumsticks from BW3 (with the Asian Zing sauce, of course) and ate 2. They are fairly good sized drumsticks so it was a decent effort. It is nice to finally have a meat other than bacon in my diet. Just his past week, I also ate cheese for the first time in probably 12 years, and back then it was only grilled cheese sandwiches. At work, I made a pizza with olive oil & garlic sauce with parmesan on top. The next day, I had a pizza with ranch, buffalo chicken, mozzarella and parmesan cheeses on it.

I may never have a full diet of a normal person but adding just these few things does show progress.

Happy Father's Day

That is all.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Global Warming

I never really bought into the panic that was 'Global Warming'; maybe it was because Al Gore was responsible for bringing attention to the masses. Or maybe I was just able to see through its bullsh*t subconsciously, without really knowing why it was bunk. I really recommend that article - it is a fantastic, well thought-out read written by John Coleman. He probably knows a thing or two in regards to climate and the weather. There is absolutely no reason for us not to be drilling for oil offshore, in the Rockies, and in the ANWR. I for one would love to see Coleman and his followers sue Al Gore.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Energy Crisis

There seems to be no sure answer to the oil prices we are facing but I am sure of one thing: both the left and the right are to blame for getting us to this point. The GOP blocked the proposed windfall tax on the oil companies put forth in the Senate Wednesday. While some may attack Republicans on this issue, I feel that is was the right decision. It is more than likely the oil companies would have just said "F You" and just raised their prices even more. For 20+ years, politicians have ignored this impending crisis and now we are paying for it. The Democrats wouldn't approve additional drilling which would have lowered our dependence on foreign oil. The Republicans are against spending money pursuing alternative energy sources (although I can't blame them after this attempt and its consequences).

In the end, the pissing contest between party lines needs to end so we can come up with a viable solution or solutions to this crisis.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 bad.

Maybe I should not have joked about the Cardinals DL fielding their own team, as now Albert Pujols has gone down with a calf injury. The Cardinals did win the game last night, but now their 2 best pitchers, their best hitter, former closer, and a slew of other players are out. Word is that Wainwright might miss up to 3 weeks. The only good news is that his arm will get a rest; unfortunately, the Cardinals may not be able to tread water during this next few weeks. This will be a true test of this team's makeup.

Liberal Media

Its been said that the media is more enamoured/in love with Barack Obama than they ever were with JFK. Yikes. He has been given a free pass on every questionable decision he has made and all his shady acquaintances/pastors/friends. I am not sure if the media has just fallen under his charismatic spell or they just hate George W. Bush so much, that the farthest option from him is the best choice no matter what the cost.

Unfortunately, that cost will be at our expense. Obama is going to tax the shit out of everyone. Working for a small business myself, and not making all that much money, this is not good news. There was positive to come out of yesterday, as the Ohio governor pulled his name from consideration and that may be the most important state in the election. When this election got started, I never thought I could be behind McCain passionately; Obama has pushed me into doing just that.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bulls hire coach/NBA Jam legend

Finally putting an end to the debacle that was their coaching search, the Chicago Bulls have hired Vinny Del Negro as their head coach. He has no experience as a coach, and is inheriting a team with what could be considered a 'lack of control' amongst its players (Noah, Thomas, Duhon, Nocioni). Not exactly an ideal situation for a new coach - a legend in the arcade notwithstanding. As much as I love Pax, this could be his final nail in the coffin as GM.

Cardinals DL to field own ML team....

The tenth Cardinals pitcher has gone on the DL in Adam Wainwright. Add in Rick Ankiel's absence over the past few weeks, that the NL Pitcher of the Month for May is going to miss atleast one start, and it is even more remarkable that the Cardinals are 11 games over .500 this late in the season. If TLR would have benched Izzy a little sooner, this team could be right there with the Cubs.

I said a few years ago that Cubs only hope for a World Series would be in 2008.....God I hope that does not happen. Cubs fans would become even more unbearable.


I've never been much of a "writer", especially without some sort of deadline. I was always the type to wait until midnight the day before a ten page research paper was due to get started on it. If I have any sort of goal for this, it is just to post my thoughts mostly on sports, some politics, and a little bit of tidbits on life thrown in. Or I may just quit after a week. We shall see.