Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Economic Crisis

Not what I said my next post would be but a crisis is a crisis - and we are headed towards socialism in this country more than ever.

For starters, I love seeing people (i.e. Nancy Pelosi) blame "Bush's failed economic policies" for the current situation. While Bush has screwed up many many things, this one is not his fault. Shockingly it started with one of Jimmy Carter's failures* (worst. president. ever - How the hell did he win a Nobel Prize?). One more example of how the government meddling screws everything up. And as that video goes onto to show, it was then the Clinton Administration who exacerbated the problem. This is why I hear so many people claim how much more Dems care about the people and why Republicans hate poor people. Well now poor people can't afford homes because of the Dems and many have lost their house as well.

As that video also shows, Bush and McCain tried to go after Fannie and Freddie but guess who stopped them? The democrats, of course. Always looking out for the common man, clearly. We always hear about Bush making his "oil buddies" rich and getting rich off the "war for oil", yet we never hear about Obama getting rich off Fannie and Freddie or how he has made many of the people responsible for this mess rich. Yet another free pass for The Chosen One.

*should this video be taken down try going here.

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