Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lost Phone

Last night after leaving Brother's Bar in campustown, I was walking back to my friend Dave's apartment and found a cell phone in the street. Literally right in the middle of 3rd Street at the intersection with Green St. After some calls (and a tad bit of snooping) I was finally able to get ahold of someone. She told me she would call me tomorrow. After some more snooping on the phone, it turns out it was the phone owner's birthday and apparently had also lost her wallet and camera on Friday night.

Having lost a phone at a bar once myself, I was glad to be able to return one to the rightful owner. When I lost mine, I called it that night, someone answered, said hello, hung up and never answered it again. Ass. Not that I am still bitter.


Nancy said...

True story my friend, to which I could relate.

Phone breaks. None of my arrow keys work. Cannot access anything in my phone, without sweating in the process. I buy a new one...a very expensive one, but I get if for free because we upgraded our plan. Cool. Right before we buy it, the wife suggests it might be good to get insurance. I hesitated, but finally agreed. Even better. Who ever would've thought I'd use it so soon.

Less than 24 hours later, I lose it at the Laie Hawaii Temple Visitors Center, somewhere. I have no idea where. Maybe when it fell out of my gym shorts when I was sitting in a chair.

Now this is obviously a PEACEFUL, BEAUTIFUL, and SPIRITUAL place for "visitors" to learn of the gospel, and of all the places a man could lose a phone, this was the one place I felt there would be hope that it might return within hours or perhaps the next day.

BUT.....seeing that there were no visitors other than my fellow Mormon classmates from BYU-H at the Visitor Center that night, I left very disappointed, and really pissed off at the dishonest jerk who took it for himself.

With no hope left, I buy the same phone with the insurance rebate, but still incredibly pissed and bitter about the whole experience. Dishonest people disgust me. Probably good I never got my phone back, I'm not so sure how Christ-like I would be.

Moral of the story: The world needs more men like Yodezilla.

That is all.

agravs said...

That's a little ridiculous but pretty indicitative of the world we live in these days. It just really goads me that someone would answer it once, probably somewhere within 100 feet of me in the same bar and then never answer it again. I actually left it on the bus once but got back on when it swung back around.