Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dems are sinking to new alltime lows....

This is making me physically ill. The left, the Democratic party, the party "of the people", the party that cares more have just sunk to an abominable low.

First it started with Michael Moore (surprise, surprise). Moore, appearing on Keith Olbermann (another fine citizen), said that Gustav coming during the RNC is proof that good is on their side. Real compassionate there, Mikey. Of course, we already knew he was unethical (Pantagraph basically sued him and it wasn't for the money), now we know he is also a scumbag, immoral prick.

Next, we had the former head of the DNC and Democratic Rep. Spratt from S. Carolina basically saying the same thing as Moore on an airplane. Unfortunately for them, it was caught on a camera. Oops. The man taping it also says before he got out his camera, they were ripping on Sarah Palin calling her Quayle on steroids. Stay classy.

Now we have all the liberal rags spouting out conspiracy theories that Trig Palin was also Sarah Palin's daughter's baby. Now when Obama says his wife (an adult who has made her own choices as an adult) is off-limits, these same liberal rags trash anyone who brings her up. These same liberal rags refuse to give credence to the John Edwards story as well. But now we have people calling for the medical records to prove whose baby Trig is; where is the uproar over the baby that is supposedly not Edwards? Its not as if they tried to cover her daughter's pregnancy up- everyone up in Alaska knew. She is also five months pregnant, which puts conception in early April at the latest. Trig was born April 18th. But lets not let the facts stand in the way of the media's coronation of Messiah Obama.


Anonymous said...

This is The New Democratic Party, unveiled at the Denver Convention, which was unleashed on Hillary Clinton and appears to be "on steroids" in their VILE attacks on Governor Sarah Palin.

The Barracuda Lady Warrior, however, is gonna wipe the floor with Obama/Biden and all the anti-American pieces of caca.

Nice post and good info on your blog. Thanks for sharing.

Count Us Out

agravs said...

Appreciate the comments- good to see the blog is getting read by a few people. You are right about this new democratic party. I'm not sure its the democratic party anymore, closer to a socialist party. Looking forward to her speech tonight.

Anonymous said...

Her speech was a masterpiece and delivered masterfully.

I was totally disgusted at the way Matthews and his co-horts tore her up and LIED LIED LIED about her after her speech.

"What went wrong other than having to use a teleprompter?"
(rolling my eyes)

May a thousand hungry rats find eternal refuge in each of their chorts. hahaha :)

Count Us Out

agravs said...

I watched the Fox News coverage so I missed that. I refuse to ever turn the channel to that rag MSNBC and its leader Olbermann. Obama took a whoopin last night.

Anonymous said...

I seldom watch mainstream media at all. Fox News has been stellar throughout the primary season - seriously fair and balanced which has suprised me. I was flipping through the channels after her speech to see what the millions who refuse to watch Fox News were seeing/hearing. It was disgusting. Their venom for this fine American was dripping from the sides of their mouths. ALL of them.., including the Women.

Sooo Sooo Sooo WHATEVER. Palin WILL be the next VP of the USA and the New Democratic Party will have to go back to sneaking around implenting their manifestos and undermining the U.S. Constitution.

Have you seen the latest post on our blog re: Obama's long, close ties with a top adviser to a Saudi billionaire? Also, in the video... you can find out more about how he got into Harvard.

Veeeeeeery interesting. The around the way Brother really got around. www.CountUsOut.Wordpress.com

Have a great day!

agravs said...

how did you find the site by the way?