Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oh those crazy leftists....

First of all I recommend watching Obama's interview with George Stephanopoulos, mainly the part on the surge in Iraq. It is not possible for Obama to ever admit he was wrong or admit victory over there.

Next I would like to point out that after Sarah Palin nixed the "Bridge to Nowhere", Tom Coburn put forth a vote to push the federal funding from that project to help victims of Hurricane Katrina. And guess who voted to keep the funds on a pointless bridge rather than for families who needed it? That's right, your Democratic Ticket: Obama and Biden. Yeah that's the party for the people.

I am beginning to think that if Joe Biden was a conservative he would be labeled a racist. First there was the "You have to have to have an Indian accent to go into 7-11" comment. To top that, he was/is for segregating Iraq into three different states based on religion/race. Are you kidding me? And this was a proposal for forced segregation, as in you have no choice move to this area of the country.

Is this a man you really want ONE heartbeat away from the presidency?

Next post: Let's take a look at all the positions Obama has flip-flopped on already without admitting he was wrong initially and they ways in which he contradicts himself.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin rocks....

That was one hell of a speech. Obama took a beating tonight - Apollo Creed against Ivan Drago type beating. That is all.

Diddy, hypocrisy of the left, and more

Let me just start by saying thank you to all the celebrities out there who keep opening their mouth. They have tried this the past two elections and it has backfired but they simply do not learn. The general public does not give a flying crap what P. Diddy or Paris Hilton think about politics. P Diddy apparently has an Obama-blog and this is his latest genius.

First of all, if a white person came out and said "There are no black people in Alaska. No crack-heads, no crime..." they would be labeled a racist/bigot. Which makes it all that more amusing that P Diddy say it. He also then told Alaska to get some "black policies". Which makes no sense since apparently there are no black people there.

Wait, whats that? There actually are black people in Alaska, in fact 4.72% of the population is black. While that is below national average (13.4%), it seems to be greater than the 1.74% of Diddy's place of residence in NJ. I am sure Diddy lives in an area full of crack-heads and crime as well.

I also love the fact that the "progressive" left is attacking Sarah Palin. "How can she be a mother of 5 and run the country?" Do they ask the same question if a father of 5 kids runs for president? Seems somewhat sexist. Nevermind the fact that as VP, you don't have to run your kids to the doctor or school or go to the store as they have the Secret Service and others to do those types of things. She is married as well and I am guessing Papa Palin will be leaving his job should she win the election. But her accepting the job opportunity of a lifetime is foolhardy and irresponsible as a mother.

Plus the "progressive" left is attacking her family for her 17 year old daughter being pregnant. Aren't they the party who accepts non-traditional ways of life? I'm guessing a substantial amount of the lefts voting constituents might have been born to an unwed mother.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dems are sinking to new alltime lows....

This is making me physically ill. The left, the Democratic party, the party "of the people", the party that cares more have just sunk to an abominable low.

First it started with Michael Moore (surprise, surprise). Moore, appearing on Keith Olbermann (another fine citizen), said that Gustav coming during the RNC is proof that good is on their side. Real compassionate there, Mikey. Of course, we already knew he was unethical (Pantagraph basically sued him and it wasn't for the money), now we know he is also a scumbag, immoral prick.

Next, we had the former head of the DNC and Democratic Rep. Spratt from S. Carolina basically saying the same thing as Moore on an airplane. Unfortunately for them, it was caught on a camera. Oops. The man taping it also says before he got out his camera, they were ripping on Sarah Palin calling her Quayle on steroids. Stay classy.

Now we have all the liberal rags spouting out conspiracy theories that Trig Palin was also Sarah Palin's daughter's baby. Now when Obama says his wife (an adult who has made her own choices as an adult) is off-limits, these same liberal rags trash anyone who brings her up. These same liberal rags refuse to give credence to the John Edwards story as well. But now we have people calling for the medical records to prove whose baby Trig is; where is the uproar over the baby that is supposedly not Edwards? Its not as if they tried to cover her daughter's pregnancy up- everyone up in Alaska knew. She is also five months pregnant, which puts conception in early April at the latest. Trig was born April 18th. But lets not let the facts stand in the way of the media's coronation of Messiah Obama.