Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The 'Bootstraps' Paradox

Just a quick thought or two:

  • Democrats at the DNC, such as Nancy Pelosi and Michelle Obama, seem to love to tell 'uplifting' stories about Americans, like Barack Obama, who fought through adversity and tough times to make a great life for themselves. I think its great that people are able to do that. Absolutely agree on that point.
  • These same Democrats also want to give handouts and freebies to anyone in this country who have hit hard times. Seems to go against the stories they like to tell about Obama.
  • Let's say you were fired for a reasonable offense from your job and you had two options offered:
  1. Go out and try to find another job, applying at various locales and working your way back up to were you were and possibly beyond that point.
  2. Sit at home, play video games, drink, fuck, sleep, eat, etc. and collect a welfare check that allows you skate by for the rest of your life.
  • Which of these options would you choose? I personally don't like the feeling of just skating by in life and would rather go out and find another job. But let's face it, a large portion of the population hates to work, is lazy, and has no problem skating by. And our unemployment rate goes up because of welfare. Add to that that many Americans on welfare end up having children while still collecting welfare, you can see why I said, "welfare breeds poverty."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well thank god for National Watermelon month...

After reading this article it is no wonder why Congress has like a 20% approval rating and this country is headed for crisis. It makes me want to run for a seat in the House or the Senate but I don't have quite enough experience, unfortunately. That would be like a one-term senator being elected president....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Illegal War Debate

This topic isn't exactly breaking new ground these days but I got into a 'spirited' discussion with a couple of employees about calling the war in Iraq an 'Illegal War'.

There are many different levels on which I would like to break down this stance. For starters, they term came from the United Nations, as it was not "in conformity with the U.N. charter." Let's take a closer look at the U.N.:
  • U.N. diplomats have racked up $18 million in unpaid parking tickets in New York City.
  • Kofi Annan's son purchased a Mercedes in his father's name in order to receive a big discount and free shipping. No punishment was doled out, although eight years later he is repaying the difference.
  • Oil for Food program. 'Nuff said.
  • Okay I lied, there's more to say about it. Shocking that France and Russia were the biggest beneficiaries and they were the leaders of the anti-war crowd.
  • Sex crimes in the Congo by U.N. 'peacekeepers'. While they were preoccupied, 3.8 million people were killed in a 3-year period and the president was murdered in 2001.
  • Rwanda. I recommend Hotel Rwanda as it is a fantastic movie and does show some of the ridiculousness of the U.N.
  • It took over 3 years for the U.N. to send their peacekeepers to Darfur.

Does this seem like the type of organization that should be setting rules and guidelines, especially when it comes to war actions? Especially when you take a real close look at why we would not have met the minimums for U.N. approval and the fact that the U.N. wants nothing more than to minimize our status as a global power. Their tenets are based in socialism (another shocking example of how socialism does not work - read as: do not vote for Obama) and wants power spread out evenly.

My recommendation is to just leave the United Nations. We provide 22% of their funding and do not receive much in return for it. Maybe it will be a wake-up call to the U.N. and other countries will follow suit. Much like many things in this world, the U.N. is great in theory but it clearly does not work.

I wonder if these same people spouting off about an illegal war are now doing the same with regards to Russia's occupation of Georgia?

stats pulled from Glenn Beck's An Inconvenient Truth

UPDATE: Fairness Doctrine

This was posted yesterday by Glenn Beck on his website. Seems he shares my point of view on the subject.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Freedom of Speech is overrated anyway, right?

It has been a while since my last post, but for those of you in the know it is understandable. Got a lot on my plate as of late. But I digress, and this topic seemed like the best one to get back in the saddle on, as it riled me up quite a bit.

Democrats in Congress are looking into trying to get the Fairness Doctrine re-instated. Basically, they are tired of liberal hosts getting the sh*t kicked out of them in the rating by conservatives. They should call it the Rush Limbaugh Act. I am sure these same Democrats have no problem with the New York Times constantly running their propaganda or CNN and will find a way to not include them in the doctrine, citing non-partisan views. There is a reason very few stations carried Al Franken's show- no one listens. Fox News doesn't dominate the ratings because of the lack of the Fairness Doctrine (I did find it interesting the Dish Network carries CNN and Headline News but not Fox News on their 'Top 100' *cough*bullshit*cough* package).

Not only does this go against the principle of the First Amendment, it goes against capitalism. In Champaign, 1400 WDWS carries Limbaugh because he brings in huge numbers- not because of some corporate conspiracy against liberals. Everyone wants to amke as money as possible in the business world, no matter what it takes. Forcing radio stations to carry unwanted/unneccessary/un-listened to shows hurts their business (bottom line) as well.

In the end, this is all about power (shocking, I know). If the political left has their way, the government would control everything and that never turns out well. Government subsidies are not in the business of making money and that goes against capitalism and hurts the economy. Amtrak is a perfect example as they have stated that turning a profit is not a goal for them. And when they actually did start to make money because of rising fuel prices, they did not have any idea what to do with the profit (read this transcript about halfway down when he starts 'The Real Story"). Yikes. If we aren't careful, the airline industry could be headed this way as fewer and fewer people travel and ticket prices increase - which means more failing airlines and more taxes on the American worker.